Month: April 2013

  • Terrifying moment this morning

    I'm washing dishes, almost ready to leave for work and I'd given Fazio a Dentastix, which he gets as a treat if he does his "duty" on our walk before I leave. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him moving down the hallway, acting like he's playing with a toy. I think maybe he's got his favorite ball in his mouth and he keeps putting first one then the other paw to his head. Then he turns and I see his mouth is wide open, but nothing's in it. He's choking. He's probably done his typical thing he does with his rawhide - he throws his head back with the rawhide in his mouth to move it into a better position to chew. He's done that with his Dentastix and instead it's lodged a piece in his throat. I drop the dish I've got and run to him, fully prepared to do the doggy Heimlich maneuver I'd JUST read about last night on Facebook (thank God for some of the things people post on Facebook) and when I get to him, he coughs the piece out, then promptly picks it up and finishes eating it like nothing's happened. I'm shaking and crying and he just looks up and me and burps ('cause he's classy like me that way). I held him for about 5 minutes crying and he just puts a paw up on my arm like, "Hey, it's no big deal Dad. I do that ALL the time.". It's a moment like that that just makes me wish I was able to login to work from home so I could keep my eye on him all day. He'd probably just fall asleep at my feet, but I'd be quite all right with that.

  • Well, live & learn

    Just discovered there is a Xanga app for my Droid phone. So now I might be more likely to update this page. However, I just found out that if a call comes in on my phone while I'm typing this, I lose everything Ive typed. YAY!!!